MAXXLife Calculator
The tool for calculating respiratory cartridge protection For Eva and EVAHL
Maximum Protection
Maximize the value of your respiratory system by using the Bullard MAXXLife calculator. MAXXLife is a user-friendly calculator that helps measure the service life of your Bullard air-purifying respirator cartridge.
Cartridge Life
MAXXLife lets you manage the life of your cartridge. It’s quick, easy and accurate. Just follow the step-by-step MAXXLife Calculator program to determine how long you can use your cartridge before it needs to be replaced. The MAXXLife calculator measures both environmental and usage factors when determining approximately how long the cartridge could be used before hazardous chemicals would begin to break through the cartridge’s protective filter. MAXXLife is the perfect tool for respiratory protection users.
MAXXLife Results
Be sure to save your MAXXLife report. Print it out for your records and quick reference.